Rewrite the sentences with can,can't,could,couldn't,should and shouldn't. don't eat in that's horrible. you shouldn't eat in that restaurant. 1)the school doesn't let us use mp3 players. 2)why not look for the information online? 3)is it ok if i watch tv now? 4)we were too young to apply for the job. 5)it's a good idea to revise before a test. 6)they had permission to go on the excursion.

Ваниш20 Ваниш20    1   24.05.2019 07:50    1

65675691 65675691  20.06.2020 04:16
1)We can't use MP3 players in the school
2)You could look for the information online 
3)It is should OK if you watch TV now
4)We couldn't to apply for the job because too young
5)They can to go on the excursion because had permission
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