Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1. ellie will take the children to school. children will be taken to school by 2. he cut the grass with the new lawnmower yesterday 3. did they show the fire on the news? 4. emma is showing them the photographs. 5. when did the wind blow down the tree? 6. who has to sign these papers? 7. amanda hates people staring at her. 8. she expects her boss to offer her a promotion. 9. he has to tidy his bedroom. 10. will you have completed the task by friday evening? 11. terry offered her a lift to work. 12. who teaches traditional dance at this school? 13. people often stuff turkeys with chestnut stuffing. 14. they awarded him a prize for his competition entry. 15. will they play the tennis match on an indoor court? 16. tom doesn't like people asking him personal questions. 17. everyone must learn the poem by heart. 18. jean hadn't cleaned the house by the time her husband arrived. 19. who is going to welcome the guests? 20. we cook all the meals. 21. grandmother takes care of the children. 22. kate is choosing a new carpet at the moment. 23. had stuart washed the car before he went to the cinema? 24. peter gave jane a letter. 25. who made all these cakes?

MariSar MariSar    1   19.09.2019 01:50    31

Дима51497 Дима51497  08.10.2020 01:13

1. The children will be taken to school by Ellie.

2. The grass was cut with the new lawnmower by him yesterday.

3.  Was the fire shown on the news (by them)?

4. The photographs are being shown to them by Emma.

5. When was the tree blown down by the wind?

6. Who do these papers have to be signed by?

7.  Amanda doesn't like being stared at.

8. She expects to be offered a promotion by her boss.

9. The bedroom has to be cleaned by him.

10. Will the task have been completed by Friday evening?

11. She was offered a lift to work by Terry.

12. By whom is traditional dance taught at this school?

13. Turkeys are often stuffed with chestnut stuffing by people.

14. He was awarded a prize for his competition entry by them.

15. Will the tennis match be played on an indoor court?

16. Tom doesn't like to be asked personal questions.

17. The poem must be learned by heart by everyone.

18. The house hadn’t been cleaned by Jean by the time her husband arrived.

19. By whom will the guests be welcomed?

20. All the meals are cooked by us.

21. The children are taken care of by their grandmother.

22. A new carpet is being chosen by Kate at the moment.

23. Had the car been washed by Stuart before he went to the cinema?

24. A letter was given to Jane by Peter.

25. By whom were all these cakes made?

1. Элли отвезет детей в школу.

2. Траву он вчера подстриг новой газонокосилкой.

3.  Был ли пожар показан в новостях (ими)?

4. Фотографии им показывает Эмма.

5. Когда дерево снесло ветром?

6. Кто должен подписать эти бумаги?

7.  Аманде не нравится, когда на нее пялятся.

8. Она ожидает, что босс предложит ей повышение.

9. Спальня должна быть убрана им.

10. Будет ли задача выполнена к вечеру пятницы?

11. Терри предложил подвезти ее на работу.

12. Кто преподает традиционные танцы в этой школе?

13. Индейки часто фаршируются Каштановой начинкой людьми.

14. Он был награжден призом за свою конкурсную работу (ими).

15. Теннисный матч будет проходить на крытом корте?

16. Том не любит, когда ему задают личные вопросы.

17. Стихотворение должно быть выучено наизусть всеми.

18. К тому времени, как приехал ее муж, Джин еще не убрала в доме.

19. Кто будет встречать гостей?

20. Все блюда готовим мы.

21. О детях заботится их бабушка.

22. Сейчас Кейт выбирает новый ковер.

23. Неужели Стюарт мыл машину перед тем, как пойти в кино?

24. Питер дал Джейн письмо.

25. Кто испек все эти пироги?

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