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MSDOS16 MSDOS16    3   03.10.2019 15:49    0

dkuchanov1352 dkuchanov1352  21.08.2020 21:19
1. Nowadays the work is done by the computers
2. Now prizes are given every week
3. Jeans are worn all over the world
4. Gold was discovered in California in the 19th century
5. Cars are produced all over the world nowadays
6. Radio was invented by Marconi
7. Бла бла was discovered бла бла

1. Is new curriculum implemented in Japan?
2. Are new school built in Azerbaijan every year?
3. Are modern schools equipped with new technology?
4. Are student books given to all students at school?
5. Were students often punished in Victorian schools?

Were you given textbooks from the library? Were you accepted to the pioneers? Were you given the school uniform? Were you receiving good marks?
Møŝķá56 Møŝķá56  21.08.2020 21:19


1) is done

2) are given

3) are worn

4) was discovered

5) are produced

6) was invented

7) was discovered


1) Is new Curriculum implemented in Japan?

2) Are new schools built in Azerbaijan every year?

3) Are modern schools equiped with new technology?

4) Are Student Books given to all students at schools?

5) Were the students often punished in Victorian schools?


What sorts of activities the students were especially involved in?

How many grades were there in school in your day?

What can you say about your teachers? Who do you think was your favoutite one?

What subjects were you good at?

Did you have any school friends? If yes, who?

How well did you get on with studies?

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