Решите то что на фотографии

Решите то что на фотографии

bon1101 bon1101    3   02.06.2020 15:07    2

maks8707 maks8707  15.10.2020 12:51

2. Put a question tag on the end of these sentences.

14. 1. My country's flag is green, white and red, isn't it?

15. 2. My cousin has got short dark hair, hasn't he/she?

16. 3. Dan and Mark wash the dishes every day, don't they?

17. 4. They didn't see a sea cow yesterday, did they?

18. 5. Let's play outside, shall we?

19. 6. Don't open the window, will you?

20. 7. I am in the cinema, aren't I?

21. 8. That is not your parrot, is it?

22. 9. The cowboy wants his hat to look old, doesn't he?

23. 10. Emma went to the park yesterday, didn't she?

24. 11. I'll put on these gloves, won't you?

25. 12. They haven't lived in Italy, have they?

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