Решите тесты: have you ever … a mountain? a) climbed b) climbs c) climb … he ever been to disneyland? a) have b) has c) is i … on a rollercoaster one in my life. a) have been b) has never been c) have never been they … from a holiday in japan. a) has return b) have returned c) has returned no, i … clowns performing tricks! a) have never seen b) have ever seen c) has never seen he … from a holiday in america. a) has come back b) have come back c) have came back joe … to the house before. a) comes round b) has come round c) have come round adam … written a book; it’s coming out in july. a) has b) have c) is … tidied your room, have you? it’s a real mess! a) you haven’t b) he hasn’t c) they haven’t jane … a café that sells her favorite cheese pie! a) has come under b) has come along c) has come across. she has … packed her suitcases for her holiday. a) already b) ever c) yet. they have … left for school. a) just b) before c) yet. i can’t go out tomorrow night. i … a painting class. a) make b) do c) have. … renting a film tonight? a) how about b) would you like to c) will you i have heard this song … . i think it was on the radio earlier today. a) ever b) before c) neverjack has … been abroad. a) never b) yet c) sincewe … our own web page. come and see it! a) played b) made c) were . … to go camping with you, but i can’t this weekend. i’m very busy! a) i’d love b) i’m afraid c) i’m fond ofcome on! hurry up! aren’t you ready … . a) just b) yet c) neverwould you like to … hiking? a) have b) go c) play

ПовелительницаCтихий ПовелительницаCтихий    2   09.06.2019 15:00    3

СерёгаД СерёгаД  08.07.2020 11:02
1. Have you ever … a mountain? a) climbed
2. … he ever been to Disneyland? b) has
3. I … on a rollercoaster once in my life. a) have been
4. They … from a holiday in Japan. b) have returned
5. No, I … clowns performing tricks! a) have never seen
6. He … from a holiday in America. a) has come back
7. Joe … to the house before. b) has come round
8. Adam … written a book; it’s coming out in July. a) has
9. … tidied your room, have you? It’s a real mess! a) You haven’t
10. Jane … a café that sells her favorite cheese pie! b) has come along
11. She has … packed her suitcases for her holiday. a) already
12. They have … left for school. a) just
13. I can’t go out tomorrow night. I … a painting class. c) have
14. … renting a film tonight? a) How about
15. I have heard this song … . I think it was on the radio earlier today. b) before
16. Jack has … been abroad. a) never  
17. We … our own web page. Come and see it! b) made     .
18. … to go camping with you, but I can’t this weekend. I’m very busy! a) I’d love
19. Come on! Hurry up! Aren’t you ready … . b) yet
20. Would you like to …hiking? b) go
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