Решите тест по английскому
Progress Test 8 (Variant -1)
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form and tense of the verbs in the box. Write full sentences. Use Past Simple tense.
do put tidy pick win make

a) Last year Ann ___ the first prize in a competition on Maths.
b) She up her pen and continued to write.
c) Her brother ___ the vacuuming and cleaned their house.
d) Last week she ___ her room and put her clothes into the wardrobe.
e) Dan ___ the washing machine on.
f) I had to ___ dinner in the evening.

2. Complete each pair of sentences with one word from the box.
fly smoke drink watch

a) I would like a cup of cold tea. Sorry, this ___ is too hot.
She usually ___ coffee in the morning.
b) Did you ___ this cartoon in the cinema last year?
I have got a new ___. My dad gave it to me for my birthday.
c) After the big fire there was much ___ in the street.
You mustn’t ___ in public places.
d) The plane will ___ from Moscow to St. Petersburg next week.
Oh, my God. Is it a ___ in my soup?
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to / don’t have to or must / mustn’t.
a) She is always late for classes. She ___ be late for her lessons.
b) I ___ to get up early next week. My classes will start at 10 o’clock.
c) You ___ shout at school.
d) She ___ to be 16 before she can ride a scooter.
e) Your sister ___ work harder if she wants to pass her exams.
f) You ___ smoke at school.

4. Write out the correct alternatives.
Our local football team (a) was opened / opens a few years ago. It’s one of the (b) better / best teams in the region. There are about 20 players, and there are (c) many / much people in stuff.
In our team, the players over 18 (d) can / are allowed to go to the disco bars. If they want to enter the bar, they (e) mustn’t / aren’t allowed to drink alcohol because of sport training.
A few months ago there was a public scandal in mass media because some famous footballers (f) were drinking / drank alcohol in the bar. Now they (g) aren’t allowed / couldn’t to play football. Moreover, they (h) have to / mustn’t go to prison as they have also broken the law. If anybody wants to break the rules, they (i) will must / must be punished.

5. Read the text and answer the questions using the text. Write full answers.
Did you know that it is possible to walk from the southern part of South America, all the way to England? At this very moment, one man is trying to walk the whole route. His name is Karl Bushby, and he's on a record-breaking attempt to walk from the bottom to the top of the world.
Karl's amazing journey will take over 14 years to complete. It will cover over 36000 miles and will test his ability to walk around the world without stopping. On his journey, Karl is completely alone.
Karl set off the south of Chile on 1st November 1998 and has already completed over 17000 miles. However, he will need to walk other 19000 miles before he returns to his home city of Hull, in the North of England. He isn't going to get there until 2012!
So far, Karl has walked through South and Central America, North America, and over the Bering Straits into Russia. At the moment, he's walking across Siberia - and it's freezing! Then he's going to walk across Europe and through the Channel Tunnel, from France to England. The problem is that usually only trains can go through the tunnel. And at the moment, Karl doesn't have permission to walk through.

a) What is special about Karl Bushby?
b) How much time will it take Karl to complete his trip?
c) When did his journey start?
d) Where does Karl live?
e) What problem does he face in England?

6. Write a list of rules for your school and class (10 sentences). Use can / can’t, have to / don’t have to, must / mustn’t in the full sentences.
For example: You must study at school. You mustn't shout in the classroom.

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