Решите тест

1). Can you ___ me the way to the supermarket, please?
a). show b). to show c). showed d). will show

2). Would you like ___ salad? – Yes, thank you. My doctor says it`s good for my health.
a). a few b). а little c). few d). many

3). He usually gets up ___ 6, does some exercises and goes ___ the office.
a). in, to b). on, at c). at, at d). at, to

4). In the middle of the room there ___ a big table and six chairs ___ it.
a). is, round b). are, round c). is, between d). are, behind

5). I never ___ to Rome.
a). been b). have been c). was d). has been

6). What ___ you ___ here now at such a late hour?
a). have doing b). is doing c). are doing d). have done

7). When ___ you ___ him yesterday?
a). do meet b). does meet c). did met d). did meet

8). I heard the knock on the door but when I opened ___ there was ___ outside.
a). her, anything b). it, something c). it, nothing d). it, nobody

9). He ___ football sometimes, but ___ watching the game either on TV or at the local sports ground.
a). play, prefer b). plays, prefers c). playing, prefer d). play, prefers

10). Do you know that an exciting match ___ here next Sunday?
a). will take place b). shall take place c). have take place d). take place

11). My house ___ situated not far from ___ Irtysh.
a). are, the b). is, - c). is, the d). -, an

12). Have you got ___ money left?
a). some b). a c). anything d). any

katyakhmel200 katyakhmel200    1   03.06.2020 08:54    141

rdta rdta  03.06.2020 08:55

1. a

2. a

3. d

4. d

5. b

6. a

7. a

8. c

9. b

10. a

11. c

12. a

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