Решите Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Perfect Continuous.
1. —What an amazing taste coming from the kitchen! What is it? —I (to cook) an apple pie.
2. —I had no idea Mary could drive. —Yes, she (to drive) since last May.
3. —Let’s go. We are already late! —Relax! I (to prepare) for this party for the last 8 hours. It can wait 2 more minutes.
4. You (to see) my documents? I (to look) for them since last Saturday.
5. My two little brothers (to play) the computer game for the last two hours.
6. Is that Mrs. Thompson? The one he (to talk) about for the last two weeks?
7. You (to watch) television for too long! You should turn it off.
8. He doesn’t give any attention to me. He (to talk) to this woman for the last 40 minutes.
9. We (to live) in this house for twelve years already.
10. Daniel (to work) for the same employer for 10 years.

sarinasergeeva sarinasergeeva    1   07.04.2020 12:58    24

berezovskayati berezovskayati  12.10.2020 21:32

1. 1) c






7) c

8) b


2. -

3. have been cooking

has been driving

have been preparing

Did you saw ... ? I have been looking

have been playing

has been talking

have been watching

has been talking

have been living

has been working


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