Решите очень нужно Задание по Ангискому
Future with present form – to be going to, present continuous and present indefinite 1. The train … at 11:00 a. will arrive b. is arriving c. arrive d. arrives
2. I … to call you tomorrow a. am gone b. am going c. is going d. will
3. John … to London next week a. come b. comes c. is coming d. was coming
4. When … the plane …? a. do .. flying b. is … flying c. does … flies d. does … fly
5. Mary … to pass the exam a. was b. is going c. go d. will
6. According to schedule the bus … in an hour a. will come b. comes c. come d. came 7. … to buy some fruit? a. is you going b. you going c. are you going d. will you

ZakAnyta ZakAnyta    2   10.04.2020 09:18    22

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