Решите это ! iii. put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. 1. i tried to explain everything to my friend, but h e _ (not to understand) what (to talk) about. when th ey go) to the cinema the day before yesterday, th ey meet) nick. 55 3. when my mum (to come) home yesterday, i (to watch) a very interesting comedy. 4. w _ y o u (to do) at seven o’clock yesterday? 5. my dad (to pay) me very well when i (to work) in his shop last summer.

skillvip skillvip    3   22.05.2019 20:56    1


1. I tried to explain everything to my friend, but he (did not understand) what I

(was talking) about.

2. When they (were going) to the cinema the day

before yesterday, they (met) Nick.

3. When my mum (came) home yesterday,  I (was watching) a very interesting comedy.

4. What were you (doing ) at seven o’clock yesterday?

5. My dad ( paid) me very well when I (was working) in his shop last summer.

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