Решите два задания по английскому 9 класс​

Решите два задания по английскому 9 класс​

Kiiss Kiiss    1   10.03.2021 13:15    1

ely4 ely4  09.04.2021 13:20

1 was 2 are 3 is 4 am 5 will be 6 were 7 is 8 was 9 were 10 has been 11 has already been 12 was 13 was 14 are 15 will be

1 the walls haven't been painted yet.

2 pictures and posters still haven't been hung in the living room

3the origin of universe won't be explained very soon by scientists.

4 that exhibition won't be opened in June

5the bridge hadn't been built by May

6 the windows aren't washed every month

7the world championship wasn't held by them last year

8this church wasn't been restoring by them at that time

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