решите а то в английском полный ноль
1Образуйте временную форму глагола
1 He (buy) his car last Sunday.
2 They ( work ) in the garage now.
3 They already (make) jam from apples
4 I ( fly) to Chicago tomorrow
5 She (write ) the exercise two hours ago.
6 Don’t bother him now. He (work).
7 My mother (cook) breakfast while I (tidy) my room.
8 Liza (watch) TV when her father arrived.
9 She (work) as a teacher at school.
10.She usually (not drink) tea.
11.you ever ( see ) this film ?
2.Перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге
1 This letter ( write) yesterday 2 . This film (show) on TV tomorrow. 3 A new
concert-hall. (build) in our street now. 4 America ( discover) by Columbus. 5 Rice
(grow) in China.6 These flowers should( water) twice. 7.English (speak) in Great
Britain. 8 This article ( publish) next week.
3 . Образуйте множественное число существительных
dish ,country , book, boy, bench, box , knife, key, wolf, foot fish, woman,
mouse, policeman, sheep, child, tooth.
4 Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных:
1.He is the (good) pupil in the class
2)Tom is (tall) than Nick.
3) Winter is the ( cold) season of the year.
4) Cinderella was the( beautiful) at the ball.

polinak022 polinak022    3   16.05.2020 08:53    2

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