Решите А) must
Б) cannot
В) able to
Г) had to
2. Женщина, о которой вы говорите, работает в нашем офисе.
А) The woman of you are have spoken works on our office.
Б) The woman you speaks of works in our office.
В) The woman you are speaking about works at our office.
Г) The woman you spoke about working for our office.
3. На ваш вопрос ответят позднее.
А) Your question be answers later.
Б) Your question will later answered.
В) Your question will be answered later.
Г) Your question will have been later answer.
4. “Badgers” - прозвище жителей штата ? ___
А) Nebraska
Б) Wisconsin
В) Indiana
Г) Montana
5. Укажите лишнее
А) closes
Б) knowledge
В) money
Г) information
6. What word of the presented anagrams doesn't belong to the topic «New York City»?
7. Soccer is my favorite sport, and I for nine years.
А) play
Б) am playing
В) have played
Г) have been playing
8. Какое слово из представленных анаграмм относится к исчисляемым существительным?
9. Match the idiom and its meaning «an act of God»
А) молитва
Б) крещение
В) природа
Г) стихийное бедствие
10. Укажите глагол, от которого образуется существительное с суффиксом –age.
А) to conclude
Б) to know
В) to press
Г) to leak
11. The weather is nasty now it was at the beginning of the month.
А) the / the
Б) as though / as if
В) not so / as
Г) than / as
12. Какому американскому штату принадлежит этот почтовый код «VA»?
А) Washington
Б) Virginia
В) Wisconsin
Г) Vermont
13. Укажите лишнее
А) Temporary storage
Б) Wet paint
В) Baggage claim
Г) Сheck- in
14. Укажите верный вариант
А) By 1750 tea become the more popular beverage for all types and classes people.
Б) By 1750 tea became populates beverage by all types and classes for people.
В) By 1750 tea has became the most populated beverage of all types and classes by people.
Г) By 1750 tea had become the most popular beverage for all types and classes of people.
15. Если бы у меня вчера было свободное время, я бы отослал письмо сам.
А) If I had had free time yesterday, I would have sent the letter myself.
Б) If I had free time yesterday, I would send the letter myself.
В) If I could have free time yesterday, I would sent the letter myself.
Г) If I have had free time yesterday, I could send the letter myself.