Решите 6. complete the sentences with the past simple be – meet – have – go – run – drink – sleep – swim – eat 1. i __ a shower and some fruit for breakfast. 2. then i __ to the sports centre. 3. i __ 500 meters in the swimming pool and then 4. i __ 5 kilometers. 5. at lunchtime i __ my friends in
a café. 6. we __ some pasta and __ some juice. 7. after lunch i __ for a few hours, i __ tired!

Kla05 Kla05    1   07.10.2019 18:30    8

omka02 omka02  10.10.2020 02:09

1 had

2 went

3 swimmed

4 ran

5 met

6 ate...drank

7 sleeped, was

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