Решите 3
прочитай текст и отметь, какие утверждения после него соответствуют содержанию (t), a какие – не соответствуют (f).

today the usa has 50 states. its capital is washington, d.c. the letters d.c. stand for district of columbia and show that washington belong to any state. there are lots of government buildings in the city. the white house (which is the official home of the us president) is one of them. the city has no industry.

the first president od us was george washington who was born in 1732 and died in 1799. americans often calls him “the father of the country”. people celebrate his birthday (february 22nd) as a public holiday – president’s day.

washington, d.c. belongs to all the states of the us.

there are no government offices in washington d.c.

there re no plants or factories in washington d.c.

the first us president lived in 18th century.

george washington’s birthday is a us national holiday.

напиши вторую и третью формы глаголов.

соедини в двух колонках так, чтобы получились названия, и впиши соответствующие буквы в левую колонку.

выбери и обведи соответствующие варианты из данных в скобках.

never give (up/out) hope.

the niagara falls (flew/flowed) out of the great lakes centuries ago as it does nowadays.

jane laughed (happy/happily) and left the room.

i have visited the city (before/after).

look! lice(has broken/broke) mum’s favourite cup.

if jenny has (gone/been) out, ask paul to help you.

after their (journey/voyage) from moscow to st petersburg by train, they have got lots of interesting information.

впиши производные от слов в предложения.

the mississippi is the most river that flows in the usa (power).

washington d.c. is a beautiful city. (real)

the lily of the valley is a flower. (love)

the of the white house has several tall columns. (buld)

james has already been to the history museum. (nature)

the beaches of california are popular with tourists. (sand)

there was a student in the center of the city. (demonstrate)

DnoKaKtys DnoKaKtys    2   17.01.2020 04:51    102

leno4ka48 leno4ka48  17.01.2020 06:03









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