Решите 2. put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive): she apologised for (interrupt) the session. she is looking forward to (get) a new mobile phone. john is afraid of ). i don’t mind (lend) you the book, but you must ) it to me next week. it’s cold outside. you’d better (take) your coat. we saw them (do) all the damage. she enjoys (receive) people at home. i would like (meet) that writer. i stopped (play) football because of a knee injury. they couldn’t (find) the way easily. the english teacher doesn’t let us ) the dictionary while tests.

negatiff95 negatiff95    3   09.09.2019 05:10    24

EricKornet EricKornet  07.10.2020 02:24
1. Interrupting
2. getting
3. flying
4 lending
5 return
6 take
7 doing
8 receiving
9 to meet
10 playing
11 find
12 use
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