Решите ! 1.раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме past simple или past continuous. 1. не (not to open) the window before classes yesterday. 2. i (to hurry) to the library when i (to meet) him. 3. she (to translate) a lot of articles at the office last week. 4. we (to smoke) in the room when he (to see) us. 5. we (to pack) our things when our taxi (to come). 6. the day before yesterday he (to finish) his work at seven o'clock. 7. what he (to do) ten years ago? – he (to study) at school. 8. yesterday i (to ask) my friend not to ring me. 9. my father (to write) a very interesting article last month. 10. she (to come) home at eleven o'clock that's why she (not to call) you. 2. поставьте глаголы в скобках в present perfect. he (finish) training. she (score) twenty points in the match. we (watch) all the champions league matches this season. that's amazing! she (run) fifteen kilometers this morning! she (buy) some really nice rollerblades! oh, no! i (lose) my money! 3. дополните предложения словами for или since. complete the sentences. use for or since. i've lived in washington 1997. ben has studied english three years. they haven't visited their grandparents months. julie's ill. she's been in bed tuesday. my dad has had his sixteen. it's been ten we moved to oxford. 4. put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or in the present perfect. 1. i (never/ be) to the usa. i (want) to go there last summer but i couldn’t. 2. he (live) in this street all his life. 3. his father (come back) to london last sunday. 4. yan (write) a letter to nick two days ago. 5. he (send) his letter yesterday. 6. they (just/ buy) some postcards.

smelinkova smelinkova    3   13.05.2019 22:42    7

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