решить задания по английскому языку это

Present Simple / Present Continuous

1. You (breathe) hard. Sit down and rest for a while.

2. Dolphins have lungs and (breathe) air.

Past Simple / Past Continuous

3. She (speak) to me last week.

4. I (run) into Cassie when I (take) a walk in a park.

Future Simple / Be going to / Present Continuous

5. I think I (buy) it.

6. Joe (meet) a dentist tomorrow at 10.

7. She bought some paint because she (repaint) her kitchen.

Time clauses

8. Sarah (need) new furniture when she (move).

9. Carmen (call) me before she (leave).

10. Подожди, пока она не вернётся.

11. Что она будет делать после того, как закончит учёбу2 (graduate)

12. Прежде чем я куплю билет, я с тебя.


13. Mike is looking at them.

14. sold Alice's car. (задать 2 вопроса)

15. You are scared of birds.

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