Решить ! я только начинаю изучать и ничего не понимаю : children like to discuss after-school activities(обсуждать, чем они занимаются после школы). match the questions and answers. а - have you got any clubs at school ? b - are you in a club? c - what do you do there? d - how often do you go to the club? e - have you got a pet at home? f - who is mr rice? a - yes, we’ve got a pet club, a radio club, and a stamp (марка) club. b - my friend phil and i are in a pet club. mr rice helps us a lot. c - mr rice is our teacher. he is so nice and loves animals very much. d - every day, after the lessons. e - we watch the animals. we’ve got frogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, tortoises. we feed them, clean them, buy food for them and exercise (тренируем) them. f - i’ve got two cats and a dog.

bobina2 bobina2    2   22.09.2019 23:30    0

gameralphac gameralphac  08.10.2020 10:55
A - a
B - b
C - e
D - d
E - f
F - c
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