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4. Add a sentence with the Past Continuous to say that an action lasted a long time. Model: You had to work yesterday. The work went on all day. –I was working all day.
1. You had to make phone calls. The calls went on all evening.
2. Students had to wait in the rain. The rain lasted for half an hour.
3. We had to make sandwiches. This went on all afternoon.
4. The lorry had to stay in a traffic jam. It was there for two hours.
5. Your neighbour played loud music. This went on all night.

соня1572 соня1572    2   11.04.2020 16:42    2

SashaKromberg SashaKromberg  18.08.2020 08:51

I was making phone calls all evening.

The students were waiting in the rainy for half an hour.

We were making sandwiches all afternoon.

The lorry was staying in a traffic jam for two hours.

My neighbour was playing loud music all night .


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