Упражнение 1. Вставьте глагол be в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple Tense.

1. My mother … a teacher. She … a student 5 years ago.
2. I … a student of a medical college. I … a doctor when I finish it.
3. I … at home today because it … a holiday. I … at home tomorrow, too.
4. How … you? … you still worried?
5. … you … happy if you get a lot of presents?
6. … your parents at work today? … they … at work tomorrow?
7. My sister … ill last week. She … not ill now.
8. Yesterday we … at the theatre. Tomorrow we … at the cinema.
9. Where … you yesterday? I … at the concert.
10. … your little brother in bed now? — Yes, he …
11. When my granny … young, she … a ballet dancer.
12. When I grow up, I …. be a musician.

* * *

Упражнение 2. Вставьте глагол be в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple Tense.

Ronald Wood … a director of the BB bank in Moscow. He … always on business trip. Yesterday he … in Paris. Tomorrow he … in London. Last week he … in Ottawa. Next week he … in Amsterdam. At the moment he … Moscow. He … with his family now. At the end of each trip he … always tired but pleased. He … glad to see his family. His children … excited and his wife … happy to see him at home again.

But in two days he … in Prague. How busy his life…!

* * *

Упражнение 3. Вставьте глагол be в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple Tense.

1.В данный момент его нет дома.
2. Мой брат сейчас в школе.
3. Завтра мои друзья будут в кино, а не в театре.
4. Дети не были в школе вчера? Они болеют?
5. Он был хорошим человеком.
6. Дедушка сейчас в саду? Где он?
7. Где была твоя сестра вчера вечером?
8. Где ты будешь завтра утром?
9. Они не будут на концерте завтра.
10. Когда ему будет 20 лет?

Ученицав Ученицав    3   26.03.2020 07:39    41

san31032009 san31032009  12.10.2020 05:01

1 is,was

2am,will be

3 am,is,will be

4 are,are

5 will you be

6 are,will they be

7 was,is

8 were,will be

9 were,was

10 is,is

11 was,was

12 will be

1is. 2 is .3was.4will be. 5was.6will be.7is.

8is.9is.10are.11is.12will be.13is.

1 He isn't at home at the moment.

2. My brother is at school now.

3. My friends will be at the cinema tomorrow, but not at the theatre.

4 Weren't children at school yesterday?

Are they ill?

5. He was a good person.

6.Is the grandfather in the garden now?

Where is he?

7. Where was your sister yesterday evening?

8. Where will you be tomorrow morning?

9. They won't be at the concert tomorrow.

10. When will he be 20 years old?

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