РЕШИТЬ ТЕСТ нет (прочерк)

15) They are good with technology and already …. bills online, ….e-tickets on planes, e-file their tax returns

a) pays; uses

b) pay; use

c) paying; using

16) A manager should know how to organize and coordinate employees….?

a) should he?

b) does he?

c) shouldn’t he?

17) Billions of bottles and cans … since 1895

a) are being produced

b) have been produced

c) are produced

18) The main concepts in the study … corporate finance are applicable to the financial problems of all kinds of firms

a) –

b) on

c) of

19) The terms “corporate finance” and corporate financier” may ….. with transactions

a) be associate

b) associate

c) be associated

20) The discipline …..into long-term and short-term decisions and techniques

a) can divide

b) can be divided

c) can be divide

21) 1.6 billion gallons ….. every year in over one hundred and sixty countries

a) are being sold

b) are sold

c) is sold

22) It is certain that Coca-Cola ….far into the twenty-first century

a) will have drunk

b) will drink

c) will be drunk

23) I expect … to be in the office earliest tomorrow

a) him

b) his

c) he

24) What ….an entity usually ….with its excess income?

a) do; does

b) does; do

c) has; done

25) However the manager will rarely have all the knowledge he needs…..?

a) does he?

b) won’t he?

c) is he?

tashbaeva201 tashbaeva201    2   11.05.2020 15:59    12

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