решить тест
1. He will not… his holidays in America.

А. Spent В. Spended С. Spends D. spend
2. My pencil…on the table yesterday. My mother… it in the box.

А. was not, put B. are not, put С. were not, put D. was not, puts

3. Do you like… to school? Yes, I…

А. to go, did B. go, do С. to go, do D. to go, don’t

4. We learn how to use computers at …lessons.

А. I. T В. Literature С. Drama D. Maths

5. She wanted to… us about her brother.

А. Say В. tell С. speak D. show

6. Harry never … to work by bus.

А. Go В. Do goes С. Does D. Goes

7. She … chocolate.

А. Likes not В. Not like С. Don’t like D .Doesn’t like

8. We always … to bed early.

А. Goes В.Doesn’t go С. Go D. Does

9. Mary … a lot last year.

А. Travelled В. Travels С. Travelling D. Did travel

10. Mum … any gifts yesterday.

А. Brought not В. Didn’t bring С. Doesn’t bring D. Didn’t brought

11 Where … this kitten?

A. Did you find B. You did find С. Found you D. Did you found

12. What flat … in ?

А. Did she lived B. Does she live С. Did she lives D .Does she lived

13. Ann … at home last Sunday, she went to a party.

А. Didn’t stayed В. Didn’t stays С. Didn’t stay D. Did stay not

14. How is Mary? … her on Monday?

А. Was you see В.Did you see C.Do you see D. Are you see

15. My friend and I … to read English books.

А. Like В. Likes С. Doesn’t like D. Didn’t liked

16. If I ___ my entrance exams I ___ the happiest man in the world.

A. shall pass / would be B. passed / am C. passed / would have been D. pass / shall be

17. What ___ you ___ if the train ___ in time?

A. will be / doing / come B. did / will not come C. do / didn’t / come D. will / do / doesn’t come

18. If you ___ tickets we ___ Paris.

A. will buy / shall visit B. bought / visit C. buys / visited D. buy / shall visit

19. If you are free, watch the film they ___ on TV.

A. shows B. Showed C. are showing D. had showed

20. If my friend ___ to our town next year I ___ him the sights of the city.

A. shall come / show B. comes / shall show C. has come / is showing D. is coming / will show

21. . … president of Russia arrived in Paris yesterday.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

22. … salt is bad for your health.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

23. I’m afraid of … snakes.

A. a B. an C. the D. Ø

24. I have two books. … are interesting.

A. You B. It C. This D. They

25. Thailand … located in Asia.

A. is B. be C. are D. -

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