Задание1. Употреби необходимые предлоги времени.
Sunday I get up late.
the weekend we have free time.
October I have my birthday.
midday my friends usually have a rest.
summer we can swim in the river.

Задание2. Образуй предложения в Present Continuous Tense.
My mum (to wash up) now.
What (you/to do), Bob?
My parents (not/to watch) TV now.
They (to read) an interesting book now.
She (to think) about her problems at the moment.

Задание3. Употреби правильное слово.
a/some cherries
some/an apple
some/a cabbage
a/some sugar
a/some milk

Задание 4. Образуй предложения в Past Simple Tense.

They (not/to sleep) last night.
It (to be) rain yesterday.
There (to be) a lot of trees.
(you/ to jump) yesterday in the evening?
We (not/ to help) our teacher last week.​

SanyaLe9 SanyaLe9    2   04.05.2020 18:46    8

ogbondarenko ogbondarenko  14.10.2020 07:01

1. on Sunday

at the weekend

in October

In midday

in summer

2.My mum is washing up now.

What are you doing, Bob?

My parents aren't watching TV now

They are reading an interesting book now.

She's thinking about her problems.

3.some cherries

an apple

a cabbage

some sugar

some milk

4. They didn't sleep last night

It was rain

There were a lot of trees

Did you jump yesterday in the evening

We didn't help our teacher

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