решить егэ английский. Артикли There is, remarked 1) … witty George Bernard Shaw, no subject on which 2) … more dangerous nonsense is talked than 3) … marriage. He was right: much paper has been wasted on 4) … subject and many 5) … newspaper columnist has felt impelled to share with us their thoughts, a lot of which are 6) … utter rubbish.
But 7) … question still remains: why do 8) … most of us still want to get married? Traditionally, it has been seen as necessary to 9) … socialization and inheritance, but today these factors carry 10) … little importance and it is 11) … psychological aspects that dominate much of 12) … discussion.
13) … psychologist Carl Jung claimed with 14) … bland confidence of 15) … man who knows how to make 16) … most of his domestic arrangements that 17) … home is like 18) … nest ― not enough room for both birds at once.
One sits inside, 19) … other perches on 20) … side and looks about and attends to all 21) … outside business.” 22) … most modern marriages are more equal, involving 23) … partners who start out having plenty in common. Indeed it might even be said that 24) … marriages that do not involve this stand 25) … little chance of long-term success.

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