решить английский (

1. If Ann ………(not come) in 5 minutes, we………(begin) our performance.
2. If it ……….(rain), we’re going to get wet.
3. If you ……….(become) a millionaire, you might be unhappy.
4. f the machine ….(stop), you ………(press) this button.
5. If you ………(help) me with this test, I……(do) the same for you one day.
6. According to the timetable, if the train………(leave) on time, we……(arrive) at 5.30.
7. If it………(be) fine tomorrow, we…………(go) to the coast.

Учёныймастер06 Учёныймастер06    3   05.05.2020 14:59    2

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