решить A New Food Substitute
A new food substitute (1) as time-saving. But when we say we want to save time, is this a lie we tell ourselves to mask other desires, asks John Gray. It (2) see, an extreme step to give up eating meals in order to save time, but this is how a new food substitute is seem an extreme (3) Soylent is a drink made by(4) oil and water to a specially prepared powder that the manufacturers claim contains all the nutrients the human body (5) It's described as creamy and faintly sweet-tasting, and enthusiasts who (6) regular meals to live on the fluid say it's quite (7) With a month's supply costing around £40, it's (8) than ordinary food and if it becomes widely popular will be even cheaper in future. The suggestion is that you can give your body the nourishment it needs without thought or bother, just by knocking back a drink of the fluid two or three times a day. (9... by a 24-year old American software engineer, Soylent is being promoted as a solution (10) what many people like to think is the bane of their lives - a perpetual shortage of time.
1. A) had been advertised
B) has been advertised
C) was advertised
D) would be advertised
2. A) ought
B) need
C) might
D) dare
3. A) been promoted
B) was promoted
C) are promoted
D) being promoted
4. A) adding
B) add
C) added
D) adds
5. A) to need
B) needs
C) needed
D) needing
6. A) was given up
B) had given up
C) have given up
D) will give up
7. A) satisfy
B) satisfied
C) to satisfy
D) satisfying
8. A) cheap.
B) cheaper
C) cheapest
D) much cheap
9. A) Invent
B) Invented
c) Inventing
D) Having invent
10. A) for B) on C) to D) about

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