Решить 1. поставь глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и перепиши предложения. 1) it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. (eat) his soup. 2) tom usually (wash) the dishes in the evening. 3) they ) bikes now. 4) i always ) a book in the evening. 5) but today i ) tv. 2. вставь в предложения there is или there are. fox in the zoo. lot of bears in the forest. table in the middle of the room. pencils in the bag. armchair next to the sofa. 3. перепиши эти предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола: to be (am, is, are, was, were). 1) pupil. 2) they at the cinema yesterday. 3) the farm now. 4) doctor. 5) france last year. 4. запиши данные предложения в времени. example: we often listen to music —*we listened to music yesterday. 1) tom plays football on monday. 2) kate washes the dishes in the evening. 3) i watch tv in the morning. 4) they always listen to music. 5) my granny counts chicks every day. 5. закончи предложения, вставляя в них необходимые по смыслу вопросительные слова. many pets do you have? — i have 3 dogs and 1 cat. my bag? — it is in front of the sofa. she do her homework? — she does her homework in the evening. you drinking? — i'm drinking milk. he doing? — he is cooking lunch.

lgaksenk lgaksenk    2   03.08.2019 04:10    72

Andreyzem4 Andreyzem4  14.08.2020 07:30
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