Решить 1. applicants for this desk-top publishing course must have good keyboarding skills but to have prior publishing experience. a) don’t need b) must c) need d) mustn’t 2. we are not allowed any arrangements for the conference before talking to him. a) make b) made c) to make d) had made 3. in recent years, scientific and technological human life on our planet. a) change b) have changed c) have change d) changed 4. if the form had been completed correctly, the transfer only two days. a) would take b) will take c) took d) would have taken 5. latecomers to enter the theatre until there is a suitable break. a) may not b) will not may c) will not be allowed d) will not have 6. more than 65,000 described species of protozoa of which more than half are fossils. a) being that there are b) there being c) are there d) there are 7. does it take you to get to the university campus? a) how quickly b) when c) how long d) how far 8. the manager asked the anything in the office before the police arrived. a) to touch b) not to touch c) to not touch d) don’t touch 9. there are so many people here! but that tv programme a few weeks ago said the smaller islands of the archipelago mostly uninhabited and very peaceful. a) are b) is c) was d) were 10. the scientists said it was one of earthquakes ever. a) most powerful b) the most powerful c) powerfullest d) more powerful 11. rich, he won’t be able to afford this equipment. a) being not b) not being c) having not been d) not to be 12. the in alphabetical order. a) will be interviewed b) will interview c) will have been interviewed d) will have interviewed

Galel227 Galel227    2   01.10.2019 17:10    18

maksdvinskih maksdvinskih  09.10.2020 09:59
В первом A. во втором C. в третьем Buvo. в четвёртом A. в 5 C. в 6 D в 7 C в 8C в 9 D в 10 B в 11 D в 12 A
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