Report the orders.
1) "Don't stay there too late, " said mother.
2) "Show me the bus stop, " he said to us.
3) "Follow the instructor, " said the guide.
4) "Come home on time, " said father.
5) "Don't play music that loud at night, " said the police off
6) "Come to see us on Friday, " said the teacher.
7) "Hand in your papers, " said the professor.
8) "Don't bring your dog with you, " said the zookeeper.
9) "Listen to his orders attentively, " said the man.
10) "Don't play on the road, " my father said.

nataly54 nataly54    1   31.05.2020 14:55    229

mintoo0 mintoo0  16.01.2024 19:11
1) Mother asked me not to stay there too late.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Don't stay there too late." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "Mother told me" and the reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.

2) He asked us to show him the bus stop.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Show me the bus stop." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "He asked us" and the indirect reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.

3) The guide said to follow the instructor.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Follow the instructor." is reported directly without using the verb "said", and is introduced by the reporting clause "The guide said".

4) Father told me to come home on time.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Come home on time." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "Father told me" and the reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.

5) The police officer asked us not to play music that loud at night.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Don't play music that loud at night." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "The police officer asked us" and the indirect reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.

6) The teacher invited us to come to see them on Friday.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Come to see us on Friday." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "The teacher invited us" and the indirect reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.

7) The professor told us to hand in our papers.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Hand in your papers." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "The professor told us" and the reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.

8) The zookeeper asked not to bring our dog with us.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Don't bring your dog with you." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "The zookeeper asked us" and the indirect reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.

9) The man said to listen to his orders attentively.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Listen to his orders attentively." is reported directly without using the verb "said", and is introduced by the reporting clause "The man said".

10) My father told me not to play on the road.
Explanation: The imperative sentence "Don't play on the road." is transformed into reported speech by using the verb "said" in the past tense, followed by the reporting clause "My father told me" and the reported statement with the necessary changes in pronouns and verb forms.
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