Replace the underlined pronouns in the sentences with the correct nouns or phrases. most pandas , the bamboo , the panda , children , my cousin , a new -born panda. 1.( it ) is a rare black and white animal. 2.( they ) like pandas very much. 3.( they ) live in the wild. 4.( it ) has a hard stem. 5.( it ) weighs only 125 grams. 6.( he ) wants to go to the zoo to see the giant panda there.

tolodono tolodono    3   24.08.2019 14:20    1

vefremka vefremka  05.10.2020 16:47
1. panda.
2. children.
3. most pandas.
4. the bamboo.
5. a new-born panda.
6. my cousin. 
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