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Контрольная работа по английскому языку к учебнику Rainbow English, 4 класс. IV четверть.

Variant 1.

1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа и обведи в кружок.

1) The elephant …. big ears. a) has b) have

2) Ben …. at school yesterday. a) were b) was c) is

3) My father …. football every Sunday. a) plays b) play

4) My friend and I … go to music school on Monday. a) don’t b) doesn’t

5) New-York is one of the ….. cities in the world.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) most beautiful

6) The girls …. books at the lesson now. a) is reading b) are reading c) read

7) I …. football at the moment. a) am playing b) play c) played

8) Autumn is … than summer. a) cold b) colder c) the coldest

9) We ….. in the cinema yesterday. a) was b) were c) will be

10) He ….. at the lake yesterday. a) were b) is c) was

11) … Tom go to school tomorrow? 1) Does 2) Will 3) Did

12) Children are going to see friend Nick. a) they b) their

13) It often in winter. a) snows b) is snowing

14) Kate is than her sister. a) old b) older c) the oldest

15) Ann is the pupil in the class. a) one b) better c ) best

2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени:

1) “+” He (play) basketball yesterday.

“-“ He (not play) basketball yesterday.

“?” he (play) basketball yesterday?

2) “+” You (help) your mother every day.

“-” You (not help) your mother every day.

“?“ you (help) your mother every day?

3) “+” They (read) a book tomorrow.

“-“ They (not read) a book tomorrow.

“?” they (read) a book tomorrow?

3. Вставь нужную форму глагола to be: am, is, are, was или were:

1. There a fridge in the kitchen.
2. There three toy-soldiers in the toy box yesterday. Did you see them?
3. there a big tree next to the house last summer? No, there ___ n’t.
4. there many crocodiles in Africa? Yes, there .
5. I ………going to help my little sister to eat this cake.

4. ответьте на вопрос в краткой форме:

Were you at school yesterday?

Did you watch TV yesterday?

Did you see a monkey last week?

Are you going to travel by plane in summer?

Will you go to school in June?

5. Дополни предложения подходящими по смыслу словами:

now / last week / tomorrow / two days ago / next week / every Sunday / soon

My family and I are going to visit Moscow ………………………………

I’m writing a test in English …………………………………….

My sister tried to cook a cake ………………………………..

Summer will come ………………………….

We won’t write test in English……………………………………………

Peter and David walked in the park……………………………………..

My family and I go to church ………………………………………..

6. Вставь подходящее вопросительное слово и ответь на вопросы № 1, 2, 4, 5.

1. old are you? (What , How, When)

2. do you live? (Who, Why, Where)

3. is your cat? It’s black. (Why, What colour, Where)

4. do you go to school? (Who, When, What)

5. friends do you have ? (How many, How much, How)

6. do you like for supper? (Who, Where, What)

jubatkanovajd jubatkanovajd    1   13.05.2021 22:04    5

nexorosheva06 nexorosheva06  12.06.2021 22:06

1. - a

2. - b

3. - a

4. - a

5. - с

6. - b

7.  - a

8. - b

9. - b

10. - c

11. - 2

12. - b

13. - a

14. - b

15. - c


1) played

didn't play

Did he play

2) help

don't help

Do you help

3) will read

won't read

Will they read


1. is

2. are

3.Was   won't

4. Is  is

5. am


Yes, I was.

Yes, i did.

No, I didn't

No, I'm not.

No, I won't


next week


two days ago



last week

every Sunday


1. How - I am (возраст).

2. Where - I am living in (Где живешь).

3. What colour - My cat is (какого цвета твой кот, можно и выдумать).

4. When  - I'm go to school every week.

5. How many - I have (сколько у тебя друзей) friends.

6. What - I like fried meat (Или любое другое блюдо на ужин) for a supper.

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык