РЕБЯТА УМОЛЯЮ Кто читал сказку соловей и роза
1) Чем пожертвовал соловей и почему?
2) О чем пел соловей и как она поёт?
3)Как возлюбленная встретила студента, когда он пришел к ней с красной розой?
4) Куда студент бросил красную розу и что с ним случилось?
5) Почему студент вернулся к философии?
1) The nightingale sacrificed his life for the Rose, which was the most beautiful, it was filled with the scarlet blood of the nightingale.
2) The nightingale sang about love, but at last he met a manifestation of real feeling.
3) The girl received a gift of beautiful precious stones from the chamberlain's son, and refused the rose. She said the rose didn't match her outfit.
4)The student reproached the girl with ingratitude and threw a rose at her feet, because the girl did not care what the guy felt, jewelry was the most important thing for her.
5) He concluded that love is stupid, and went to read books and study.