Ребят тест по грамматике
1. We would rather ….. to the Crimea.

a) go b)going c)to go d)to have gone

2. He believes his studies are much better than they ……. .

a) were used to be b)are used to be c)used to be d)used be

3. I am happy ….. by you now.

a)to have met b)to meet c)to be met d)to be meeting

4. The purse …. last week.

a) was stolen b)stole c)was stealing d)was being stolen

5. The baby couldn’t help … .

a) cry b)cried c)be crying d)crying

6. They are looking … my reply.

a) at b)on c)forward to d)into

7. He insisted on … coming here.

a) me b)mine c)my d)I

8. If she comes soon we ….. .

a) will be ready b)would be ready c)are ready d)will have been ready

9. My father made me … yesterday.

a) to tell the truth b)telling the truth c)to have told the truth d)tell the truth

10. He … it earlier, but he didn’t.

a) can do b)could have do c)could do d) could have done

11. The show is worth … .

a) to see b)see c)seen d)seeing

12. He wondered if I … French.

a) spoke b)speak c)am speaking d) was speaking

13. My friend … the whole evening yesterday.

a) did not type b)was not typing c)had not typed d)had not been typing

14. We are very happy … our exams.

a) to pass b)to have been passing c)to have passed d)to be passing

15. The plane … at 8.30.

a) is to arrive b)should arrive c)would arrive d)must arrive

16. She succeeded … solving this task.

a) on b)to c)in d)at

17. They are said … Ukraine a long time ago.

a) to leave b)to be left c)to have left d)to have been left

18. The bicycle … . Wait a bit.

a)is repairing b)is repaired c)is being repaired d)has been repaired

19. I noticed him … the house.

a) enter b)to enter c)entered d)to be entering

20. I thought she … in the garden yesterday.

a) works b)worked c) is working d) working

21. If I were you I … to the University.

a) went b)would go c) would have gone d) had gone

22. I … home by 10 o’clock tomorrow.

a) will return b)will have returned c)will be returning d)will be returned

23. She let us … .

a) play b)to play c)playing d)having played

24. I appreciate …. .

a) your help me b)you helping me c)your helping me d)you help me

25. He said I … his pen.

a) may take b)might take c)might have take d)may have take

26. It can … .

a)done b)be done c)be doing d)have done

27. We will be ready … .

a) now b)in an hour c) just d)already

28. They … when the teacher came.

a) talked b)talk c)were talking d)had been talking

29. She wants the work … .

a) to finish b)to be finishing c)to be finished d)to be being finished

30. If I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night, I … a headache in the evening.

a) didn’t have b)wouldn’t have had c)wouldn’t have d)hadn’t had

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