Ребят, очень выполнить хотя бы 1 задание, я буду вам очень благодарна!!

Working with Watson's map:

1) Mark on the map parts of the world: - North, South, East, West/ north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west.

In your description you may need this words: nearby, halfway between, on the other side of

Answer the following questions, taking Baskerville Hall as a reference point. Нужно ответить на во о расположении домов соседей и других объектов по отношению к Баскревилль Холлу с указанием сторон света, по примеру Ватсона. Watson writes: Baskerville hall is about two miles south-east of Grimpen Village. Только Ватсон берет за ориентир Grimpen Village.

Where is Stapleton’s house located?
Where is Mr. Frankland’s house?
Where is Dr. Mortimer’s house?
Where is the moor?
Where is the Great Grimpen Mire?
Where is High Tor?
Where is Grimpen Village?
Where is Coombe Tracey?

2) Как соотносятся mile - yard - feet versus kilometer - meter - centimeter?

Davidavid Davidavid    3   20.05.2020 18:35    0

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