Reading Taskl, Read the text and complete it with given words. There given 2 extra
engaged, human, combination, traditional, subject, involved, skills
Virtual Reality
One of the most exciting forms of technology now being used in education is
virtual reality. While some people think that (1) methods are the
best way
to teach children. I believe that the best way to get students ... (2) in
education is by using modern technology like VR Using VR brings the
(31 to life. It is much more exciting to experience walking with dinosaurs than
simply reading about them in books. VR makes education feel like a game
rather than hurd work. There is little (4) connection with VR education
and students struggle to develop the communication skills which are an
essential part education. VR is the ideal way to get students excited about
learning. If VR is used in (5) with traditional leaching methods, students
can get the best of both worlds​

Reading Taskl, Read the text and complete it with given words. There given 2 extrawordsengaged, huma

дильназ149 дильназ149    2   10.12.2020 14:45    2

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