Reading Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions
Water is important in our life
Water is one of the most important substances that are needed
for plants and animals. We
cannot lead our day to day life without water Water makes up
more than half of our body
weight. Without water, allonganisms in the world would die
Water is necessary not only for
drinking but also for our day to day fie purposes like bathing.
cooking, cleaning and washing
and so on. We cannot imagine a life without water
Every organism in the world needs water. From tiny insects till
blue whales. A plant noods
water to grow and stay fresh
1. Every organism in the world needs water
2. Water is needed by plants and animals
3. Water is necessary only for drinking
4. A plant does not need water to grow
5. Water is needed for bathing, cooking, washing

даша084 даша084    2   12.05.2021 10:23    0

lilia822 lilia822  12.05.2021 10:30

Какое количество теплоты нужно затратить на нагрев 42 кг льда температурой -28С до

температуры 14С. Теплоемкость льда 2100 Дж/кг*С, воды 4200 Дж/кг*С, удельная

теплота плавления льда 3,4 * 105 2100 Дж/кг. Плотность льда p=900 кг/М3


Какое количество теплоты нужно затратить на нагрев 42 кг льда температурой -28С до

температуры 14С. Теплоемкость льда 2100 Дж/кг*С, воды 4200 Дж/кг*С, удельная

теплота плавления льда 3,4 * 105 2100 Дж/кг. Плотность льда p=900 кг/М3

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