Reading Task 1. Read the dialogue and complete sentences.
Mother: Children, Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit this evening and I need you to help me with some chores. Have you all made your beds?
Children: Yes, Mom. Mother: Tommy, I want you to fill the dishwasher and then wash and dry the big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher. Tommy: Okay.
Mother: Tracy, I want you to take out the garbage. Then sweep and mop the kitchen floor, okay? Tracy: Sure. I'm excited Grandma and Grandpa are coming.
Mother: And Evan, would you please clean the bathroom?
Evan: Oh Mom, I hate cleaning the toilet.
Mother: Okay, you clean the sink and bathtub, and I'll clean the toilet. But then I would like you to help your Dad clean out the garage. Deal?
Evan: Yeah. Mother: Okay then, let's get started. I'm going out to mow the lawn. Come get me if you need me.
1. Children are coming .
2. The children must clean the house.
3. Tommy has to wash and dry the .
4. Tracy has to sweep and mop the .
5. Evan has to clean the .

Total 5
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1) Which class are you in?
2) What is your favourite subject at school? Why?
3) Who’s your favourite sport hero?
4) Do you believe in superheroes?
5) Do you think people need superheroes?

Total 5

Task 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. 1. I (watch) TV last night.
2. He (not/play) basketball.
3. Dad (make) a delicious pizza yesterday.
4 They (not/visit) us last weekend.
5. We (see) an excellent fantasy film on TV last night.
Total 5

Total marks: 15 ​

SchoolWolf SchoolWolf    3   28.10.2020 12:43    4

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