Reading. Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs. oll from ships volunteer groups clean up
1 Think of all the widife that lives in and around
our oceans. There are fish and dolphins that swirn there
and birds that feed on the fish. Now, imagine there is a
foating sand of rubbish on the sea. What happens to the
widife? The fish eat the plastic which is bad for them. The
dolphins can't breathe because they can't reach the
surface. The birds get caught in the plastic bags and can't
fly Unfortunately, this is not just in our imagination. It is
actua ly happening, and it is putting our ocears in danger!
3 We humans depend on the sea for food, but
many fish species are quickly disappearing in the Atlantic
the tuna is almost extinct, and everywhere sharks are an
endangered species. One reason is that modern fishing
methods are wasteful Fishing boats use huge nets that
trap large numbers of fish. Most of the fish they catch
they throw back into the sea If the oceans run out of fish,
it will mean millions of people worldwide will go hungry
2 Haf of the life on our planet is in the seas, but
ve are quickly destroying it Every hour, humars throw
over two on piece of rubbish - especialy plastic-into
the oceans The past breaks into smal pieces, but it
never goes away Like gant monsters that are swallowing
the ocean, huge sands of plastic cover age parts of the
Pacific and the Aslantic Unless we can find a way to dean
the oceans up, sea few probably disappear from then
4 Most of us don't see what is happening in the
middle of the sea, but there are things we can do coser to
shore in many areas, water pollution is poisoning the
natural habitats for wild fe Chemica's ka the plants that
fish feed on so they have to migrate further away This
means less food for all the other wid fe Oil from ships
affects birds. A seabird that has got ol all over it will try to
clean itself by eating the ol - and along with it the
chemicals in the water. If volunteer groups dean up these
arces and take such birds to dean-up centres, they may
survive in that way, we can be a part of the solution
Мой ответ​

Reading. Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs. oll from ships volunteer groups cle

evgen90079 evgen90079    3   16.03.2021 10:39    4

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