Reading. read the text and answer the questions. my name is fran and i'm ten years old. my best friend is susan and she's twelve years old. susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. susan can play the guitar and the piano. she is very good at sport. she can swim very well and she can sail a boat. i can't swim very well and i can't sail a boat. susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. i can't cook because my mum says i'm too young. there is one thing that susan and i can't do. we can't drive a car! e.g. who is ten years old, susan or fran? fran. old is fran's best friend? 2. what can susan play? 3.who cooks lunch every day? 4.what sport can’t fran do 5.what can't susan and fran do?

катя072 катя072    1   09.07.2019 17:30    111

egorkarevyakin egorkarevyakin  06.08.2020 21:54
1 - hi is 12 years old
2-susan can play qitar and piano
3-susan cook lunch every day
4-Fran can"t swim
5They cant"t drive a car 
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