Reading 7 read the text. tick () true or cross () false. 1 the biggest problem for students now is having fun.  2 around a fifth of students are late with their work.  3 the jobs students usually do have good conditions.  4 for many students, their poor concentration is due to changes in learning styles. 

lianadoschik12 lianadoschik12    1   08.10.2019 17:30    1

bugaerstasy bugaerstasy  10.10.2020 05:02

1 The biggest problem for students now is having fun.  


Students worry most about money and concentrating in class.

2 Around a fifth of students are late with their work.  


21% of students say that they don't complete their work on time because of their jobs.

3 The jobs students usually do have good conditions.  


The jobs that students do are often badly-paid and the working conditions aren't very good

4 For many students, their poor concentration is due to changes in learning styles.  


It seems that for many students, poor concentration in class is the result of working.

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