Read this postcard and make notes to answer the questiotions. 1 Who wrote the postcard?
2 Who is she sending the postcard to?
3 Where is Natalie now?
4 Where did she go yesterday?
5 What's she doing this afternoon?
6 What will she buy?
7 When is she leaving Almaty?
8 Where is she going next?
9 How long will she stay there?
10 When does she get home?​

Read this postcard and make notes to answer the questiotions. 1 Who wrote the postcard?2 Who is she

caros14 caros14    1   21.11.2020 11:27    8

Deniza23 Deniza23  21.12.2020 11:28
2. Helena
3. In Almaty, Kasachstan
4. She went to the Alatau National Park
5. She going shopping
6. A present to Helena
7. Tomorrow morning
8. Astana
9. For 2 days
10. On Friday
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