Read these sentences and rewrite them. Study the example. Don’t use full stops, they are given. Use the structure: pronoun + verb + adverb of manner in your sentences. (Прочитай предложения и перепиши их. Изучи пример. Не используй точки, они уже даны. Используй структуру местоимение + глагол + наречие образа действия в своих предложениях.)

Example 0. Aunt Agatha is a careful driver.

Answer 0. She drives carefully.

1. Mark is a fast swimmer. —


2. Dave is a quiet speaker. —


3. Vera is a quiet speaker. —

Viktorua10 Viktorua10    1   04.05.2021 18:26    2

seliza415 seliza415  04.05.2021 18:30

1 You shouldn't run with scissors.  

2 You shouldn't let unknown people in. It can be dangerous.  

3 You should give your personal information to the people you know.

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