Read these sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct adjective. You need to form the adjective from the verb in the brackets. Write down four words with a comma (,).


Все слова нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. Нумеровать слова не нужно.

1. He has many (create) projects.

2. This information was (confuse) for me.

3. Our prices are (compare) to those in other shops.

4. This film was (horror) for us.

Match the words with their meanings.Write down the combinations of numbers and letters with a comma (,).

Example answer: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E, 6F, 7G

1. ambulance

2. therapy

3. antibiotics

4. x-ray

5. fever

6. prescription

7. amnesia
A. a condition that causes people to lose their memory

B. higher than normal body temperature

C. medication that kills bacteria and cures infections

D. emergency vehicle that rushes people to a hospital

E. a photograph of a person's bones and organs

F. the correct amount and type of medication needed to cure an illness or relieve symptoms

G. treatment aimed at improving a person's mental or physical condition

Fill in the gaps with one of the words. Write down the combinations of numbers and letters with a comma (,).

Example answer: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E, 6F, 7G

A. prescription

B. antibiotics

C. x-rays

D. therapy

E. feverish

F. ambulance

G. amnesia

1. You will need to visit your doctor to get another .

2. The technician took of my shoulder to make sure it wasn't broken.

3. He is very, and his temperature is near danger point.

4. I can't remember the accident because I had .

5. This infection is serious, you will have to take .

6. I was able to go back to work a few weeks after starting the .

7. We called the when Josh stopped breathing.

What are antibiotics?

Antibiotics are important medicines as they help fight infections caused by bacteria. However, bacteria find ways to resist antibiotics, so that they no longer work. The more we use antibiotics, the less effective they become, so we should use them carefully.

How to use antibiotics carefully?

Basically, don't take them if you don’t need them. If you have a virus, antibiotics won't work. Since viruses cause all colds and most sore throats and coughs, you should ask your chemist tor advice rather than take antibiotics.

When are antibiotics the answer?

Your doctor must prescribe antibiotics when you need them, for example, for pneumonia. Remember, if you only use antibiotics when necessary, they are more likely to work when you really need them.

Write true, false, doesn’t say:

1. Antibiotics are important medicines.

2. If you have a virus, antibiotics will work.

3. The writer likes to eat vegetables.

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