Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).

1) Ann is from Great Britain. –

2) She lives in a flat. –

3) Ann’s house is 25 years old. –

4) Many people visit Ann’s house. –

5) Three bedrooms are on the first floor. –

6) Ann’s mom and dad has the most beautiful bedroom. –

7) Ann always plants the flowers herself. –

8) The garage is next to the hall. –

9) Ann’s father spends a lot of time in the kitchen. –

10) Ann likes her house very much. –

parfianovich199 parfianovich199    3   19.03.2020 20:39    21

vladkunets78 vladkunets78  12.10.2020 01:28
А где текст который нужно прочитать?
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