Read the text. Mark the following statements as true or false. The term «normcore» refers to a modern fashion trend. It's often called
«anti-fashion because the key feature of this style is dressing simple or
even dull, for example, white sneakers, zip-up sweatshirts and black trousers.
The same styles both for men and women and dark colours are very popular.
The key is to look comfortable and effortless. The icons of the movement are
celebrities such as Jerry Seinfeld and Steve Jobs.
1) The text describes a new music trend.
2) The normcore style is marked by bright clothes.
3) If you are a normcore, your outfit is rather traditional and normal-looking.
4) Some famous people choose to follow the normcore trend.​

KristinaKinka KristinaKinka    2   03.12.2020 11:23    2

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