Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. Прочитайте текст и подберите слово которое лучше всего подходит по значению, используйте только одно слово в каждом пропуске. EDUCATION AS THE STARTING POINT OF YOUR CAREER
Education consists (1) knowledge and skills obtained (2)studying. It is the most important, necessary and useful thing (3) our life. This year I (4) taking final exams. To my mind it’s time to choose my specialization. I think this choice (5) determine my future life. And now I often hear questions like “What do you want to be when you graduate from school?” and “Where would you like to study (6)?”I don’t think that it is easy to make the right choice of a job, (7)nowadays there is a great variety of different professions and every year new kinds of occupations appear. In order to make the right choice I should find (8) all I can about professions I’m interested in. Nowadays there are many educational centres where you can get higher education, and it’s up to you to decide where you (9) like to study. There are different ways to do it.
At present one of the most important sources of information is the internet. With its help one can contact recruiting services all (10) the world and get information about the current tendencies in the career market. This means that one should take (11) account the demand (12) professions in a few years.
In choosing a career, I need to talk it (13) with my parents. Perhaps the best way to prepare for any job is to get a good education at school. I think all subjects taught at school are useful and necessary because they improve your mind, develop skills and abilities, and I can’t be very sure (14)will happen in the future, because life in the world brings great changes every day.

permyakov2001 permyakov2001    1   20.11.2021 10:34    122

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