Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is correct, put a tick (v). If it has a word that should not be there, write this word on the line, as in the examples. On October 6th, I am 1g to the International ……………………..0 V
Balloon Fiesta which will get on underway …………………………00 on
in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is a colourful festival …………1
which it started in 1972 with just 15 balloons. Now, …………..2
it has been grown into one which attracts more …………………3
than 1,000 balloons from countries as far away from …………4
as Brazil, South Africa, Turkey and more. More ………………….5
than 800,000 people they come to this spectacular ……………6
event in every year. I am going to volunteer as a ……………….7
member of for one of the ground crews. We will ……………….8
meet before dawn in the morning and inflate the ……………..9
hot air balloons. When the sun has rises, the …………………….10
balloons will be released so to float into the crystal …………..11
dear morning sky. The fiesta also includes in the ……………….12
International Gas Balloon Race, several night …………………….13
ballooning events and other activities such as ……………………14
an arts and crafts fair, the fireworks, parties and ……………….15
much more. I know I will have a great time. ……………………….16

LOVEe12 LOVEe12    3   07.06.2021 14:53    13

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