Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn’t say). 1 In the summer in ancient Rome, daylight hours were longer.
2 The Romans did not use units for less than an hour.
3 The watch was only used to keep track of time during the day.
4 The Romans used the heavenly body to determine the time.
5 The Romans did not invent any instruments for measuring time.
6 Timing was important for the regulation of the military in Rome.
7 The timekeeping devices of the Roman era have survived to this day.
8 Some modern timing terminology is based on Roman language.

popova2015 popova2015    3   27.05.2021 13:15    37

2polina21 2polina21  25.12.2023 07:24
Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn’t say).

1. In the summer in ancient Rome, daylight hours were longer.
- T (true). This is mentioned in the text. In ancient Rome, daylight hours were longer in summer.

2. The Romans did not use units for less than an hour.
- F (false). This is mentioned in the text. The Romans did use units for measuring time which were smaller than an hour.

3. The watch was only used to keep track of time during the day.
- DS (doesn’t say). This is not mentioned in the text. The text does not provide information about the usage of watches during the night or other times.

4. The Romans used the heavenly body to determine the time.
- T (true). This is mentioned in the text. The Romans used the heavenly body (the sun) to determine the time.

5. The Romans did not invent any instruments for measuring time.
- F (false). This is mentioned in the text. The Romans did invent instruments for measuring time, such as sundials and water clocks.

6. Timing was important for the regulation of the military in Rome.
- T (true). This is mentioned in the text. Timing was indeed important for the regulation of the military in Rome.

7. The timekeeping devices of the Roman era have survived to this day.
- F (false). This is mentioned in the text. The timekeeping devices of the Roman era have not survived to this day.

8. Some modern timing terminology is based on Roman language.
- T (true). This is mentioned in the text. Some modern timing terminology is indeed based on the Roman language.
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