Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct missing word. Many teenagers these days 1) use buses around. Instead, 2) and even rollerblades to travel to their destina teenagers only used these things to play in th 1 to their destination. In the past, things to play in the park or in sports use them as a means of Vincent talking about the summe went to. Foro tick ( A, Bore orms of exercise, but accidents can happen competitions, but now it's a new craze to use them as a mean, transport These 3) good forms of exercise, but accio so you must pay attention to a few rules of the road. First always use proper safety equipment such as knee and ell helmets. When possible, try to stay on 5). pavement and ride slowly. Also, never wear headph of the road. First, you must h as knee and elbow pads 1so, never wear headphones, don't ride The camp operates, A one month. B two weeks, C one week. 2 too close to parked cars and always get oll 0) skateboard bike or scooter and walk at pedestrian crossings. Finally, you must never use a moving vehicle to pull you along! Skateboarding, rollerblading or other activities are good ways to exercise and a lot of fun. Just remember to pay attention and stay safe when 7) are out and about

liliverbovetska liliverbovetska    1   30.04.2020 07:50    5

piece0fcake piece0fcake  30.04.2020 08:30

no r us a little bit more of 1a good 2to 2and I have to the role of a good time for the role of a good time for the role of a good time for the role of a good time

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